
Curriculum Overview
P168x believes in using a diverse set of curricula to meet the needs of all of our learners. Below you will find information about each of the different curricula we use.
Social Emotional Learning
All of our students use the Sanford Harmony Social Emotional Learning program. Through this program, students learn how to create and sustain healthy relationships with each other. Practices are reinforced throughout the school day to foster communication, connection, and community.
Elementary School Alternate Assessment ELA
Our K-5 Students use programs created by the Attainment Company. The core of our instruction is “Building with Stories” which emphasizes age-appropriate, award winning children’s books to build a love of reading, while also teaching important skills, such as story elements and cause and effect. Students also use the “Early Literacy Skills Builder” to learn sight words, print concepts, and phonics skills. In addition, certain students participate in the “Pathways to Literacy” program which helps our earliest learners to attend to and engage with texts. Through the use of these programs all students receive a comprehensive well-rounded literacy education.
Elementary Alternate Assessment Math
At 168x our mission regarding math instruction is to use hands on learning to build students number sense. We also put a strong focus on applying math skills in real world contexts. To accomplish this, we use a variety of programs from the attainment company to cover all domains including, operations, number sense, measurement, and geometry.
Middle School Alternate Assessment ELA
Our Middle School students use the Access to Standards ELA program. The program blends fiction, nonfiction, poetry and research into four units (Change, Values and Decision Making, Social Justice, and Global Awareness). All texts are adapted to give all of our learners a chance for a high quality educational experience. In addition, 168x uses an Early Reading Skills Builder, to reinforce phonics and sight word reading.
Standardized ELA Curriculum
Our Standardized students use the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Reading curriculum through the Ed Platform. The curriculum gives teachers access to a fully leveled library of Rigby® Readers along with a collection of award winning books to practice growth mindset strategies. HMH Into Reading supports teachers in transitioning students beyond explicit instruction and into self-actualized learning. Teachers can teach live lessons and then easily assign related classwork, as the Ed Platform syncs with Google Classroom.
Elementary Standardized Math Curriculum
Our Standardized K-5 students use enVision Math. The curriculum combines problem-based learning and visual learning to deepen students’ conceptual understanding. Teachers can customize lessons and assessments, provide intervention activities for all learning levels. It also syncs with Google Classroom.
Middle School Standardized Math Curriculum
Our Standardized Middle School students use Open-Up Curriculum. The curriculum is designed for diverse learners. Teachers use real-world problems and a focus on academic vocabulary to deepen conceptual understanding.