Food Services

Free Lunch for ALL Students - View Menu
The New York City Department of Education offers free breakfast, lunch and afterschool meals to all NYC public school students during the school year.
Download the School Food App
View menus, submit reviews and even use to “FastPass” to skip the line. The app is available for Android(Open external link) and iOS(Open external link).
Support School Funding
You do not need to apply for your child to receive meals. However, we do ask families to complete Family Income Inquiry Form(Open external link), which helps schools receive money for their programs. Your school will send a copy of this form home with your child, or you can get it from your school’s main office.
If you have a balance remaining from prior years, you may request a refund. Please email to request a refund.
We take allergies, food safety, and student health very seriously.
Please visit our page on allergies to learn more about how we ensure that your child receives the best care possible while at school.
Spread the Word
Please join us in spreading the word that breakfast and lunch are free for all NYC public school students every day. We hope your child will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and come enjoy a healthy meal with us.
Contact Us
For more information about our menus, nutrition information, programs, questions or comments email us at